Warning! The script has encountered some errors when parsing the replay. Please report them to the author. » details

Unknown ItemID at 04:10: n003

Unknown ItemID at 04:10: n003

Unknown ItemID at 05:55: n004

Unknown ItemID at 09:26: n005

Unknown ItemID at 09:27: n005

Unknown ItemID at 09:27: n005

Unknown ItemID at 10:01: n006

Unknown ItemID at 10:01: n006

Unknown ItemID at 10:01: n005

Unknown ItemID at 10:02: n005

Unknown ItemID at 10:02: n005

Unknown ItemID at 11:29: n006

Unknown ItemID at 11:29: n006

Unknown ItemID at 11:30: n006

Основная информация

  • name: 2x2 RH +1
  • type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
  • host: GHost++
  • saver: W1zarD-_-
  • map_checksum:

  • map: Twisted_Meadows_ATRCUP
  • players: 4
  • length: 12:56
  • Replay: Replay
  • version: 1.26 W3XP


team 1 (winner)
Random» OrcW1zarD-_- (green | 143 APM | 1718 actions | 11:58)
Hero icon 4 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 2 Goblin Alchemist
Ability icon 1 Chemical Rage
Ability icon 1 Healing Spray
Hero icon 1 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 1 Breath of Fire

» действия
Assign group hotkey29
Basic commands8
Build / train50
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu13
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item5
Remove unit from queue0
Right click573
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey706
Select subgroup48
Use ability57
1718 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peon 9
Troll Headhunter/Berserker 7
Raider 5
Kodo Beast 1
22 всего
» улучшения
Ranged Weapons2
Berserker Upgrade1
5 всего
» здания
Altar of Storms2
Orc Burrow6
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
16 всего
» порядок постройки
00:02 Altar of Storms
00:05 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:24 Orc Burrow
00:53 War Mill
01:12 Barracks
01:36 Voodoo Lounge
01:55 Orc Burrow
03:23 Stronghold
03:52 Orc Burrow
05:48 Beastiary
05:54 Orc Burrow
06:24 Fortress
06:24 Fortress
06:24 Fortress
08:20 Orc Burrow
» предметы
Healing Salve4
Lesser Clarity Potion3
Scroll of Speed1
Orb of Lightning1
Potion of Healing1
10 всего
NightElfbay (yellow | 180 APM | 2159 actions | 11:58)
Hero icon 5 Naga Sea Witch
Ability icon 2 Frost Arrows
Ability icon 3 Forked Lightning
Hero icon 3 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 2 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Evasion

» действия
Assign group hotkey48
Basic commands175
Build / train59
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu15
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item7
Remove unit from queue0
Right click804
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey579
Select subgroup26
Use ability55
2159 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Wisp 17
Archer 4
Goblin Shredder1
Dryad 1
23 всего
» улучшения
Abolish Magic1
1 всего
» здания
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well7
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Life1
Ancient of Wonders1
Ancient of Lore2
Tree of Eternity3
18 всего
» порядок постройки
00:05 Altar of Elders
00:08 Moon Well
00:25 Ancient of War
01:31 Moon Well
01:59 Moon Well
03:38 Tree of Ages
05:20 Hunter's Hall
05:22 Moon Well
05:41 Tree of Life
06:07 Ancient of Wonders
06:51 Ancient of Lore
06:53 Ancient of Lore
07:42 Moon Well
09:10 Tree of Eternity
09:10 Tree of Eternity
09:10 Tree of Eternity
10:19 Moon Well
10:19 Moon Well
» предметы
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Staff of Preservation1
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
4 всего
team 2 (loser)
Undeadhanger969 (teal | 87 APM | 1046 actions | 11:58)
Hero icon 3 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Ability icon 1 Hex
Hero icon 1 Beastmaster
Ability icon 1 Summon Bear

» действия
Assign group hotkey23
Basic commands3
Build / train25
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu8
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue0
Right click306
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey453
Select subgroup21
Use ability24
1046 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Acolyte 1
Ghoul 3
Crypt Fiend 7
11 всего
» улучшения
Creature Attack1
1 всего
» здания
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead1
10 всего
» порядок постройки
00:08 Graveyard
00:13 Crypt
00:32 Ziggurat
00:54 Altar of Darkness
01:30 Tomb of Relics
02:03 Ziggurat
04:12 Ziggurat
04:14 Nerubian Tower
05:04 Halls of the Dead
08:20 Slaughterhouse
» предметы
Rod of Necromancy1
Dust of Appearance1
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Mana1
4 всего
NightElfImmortal71 (blue | 81 APM | 903 actions | 11:07)
Hero icon 1 Warden
Ability icon 1 Fan of Knives
Hero icon 1 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 1 Entangling Roots

» действия
Assign group hotkey0
Basic commands13
Build / train32
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu11
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue0
Right click493
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey0
Select subgroup26
Use ability38
903 всего
» units
Wisp 9
Archer 1
Dryad 4
Druid of the Claw 1
15 всего
» улучшения
Strength of the Wild1
Druid of the Claw Training1
Abolish Magic1
3 всего
» здания
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well4
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Lore2
12 всего
» порядок постройки
00:02 Altar of Elders
00:10 Moon Well
00:36 Ancient of War
01:34 Moon Well
03:45 Moon Well
03:47 Tree of Ages
04:05 Hunter's Hall
04:46 Ancient of Wonders
06:36 Tree of Eternity
06:53 Ancient of Lore
06:53 Ancient of Lore
08:17 Moon Well
» предметы
Dust of Appearance1
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Staff of Preservation2
5 всего
observers (No Observers)


(2481748 / Lobby) : Игрок [bay#95360] (FR) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(2481765 / Lobby) : Игрок [Immortal71#197630] (US) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(2481770 / Lobby) : Игрок [hanger969#227470] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(2481815 / Lobby) : Игрок [Immortal71#197630] (US) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(2481911 / Lobby) hanger969: 71 ТУЛА значит?
(2481925 / Lobby) : Создаю открытую игру [2x2 RH +1]. Пожалуйста подождите...
(2481925 / Lobby) bay: !pub 2x2 RH +1
(2481925 / Lobby) Immortal71: нихуя не значит
(2481928 / Lobby) Immortal71: просто цифры
(2481932 / Lobby) hanger969: )))
(2481947 / Lobby) : Игрок [W1zarD-_-#230768] (TJ) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(2481972 / Lobby) bay: !bs
(2481973 / Lobby) : Общий рейтинг команды [1] — [3000.00].
(2481973 / Lobby) : Общий рейтинг команды [2] — [3000.00].
(2481973 / Lobby) bay: !bs 2
(2481978 / Lobby) bay: !s n
(00:00 / All) bay: Быстрее всех загрузился [bay]: 3.45 сек.
(00:00 / All) bay: Дольше всех загружался [W1zarD-_-]: 8.83 сек.
(00:00 / All) bay: Вы в игре можете включить/выключить викторину.
(00:00 / All) bay: Для этого напишите !вик
(00:00 / All) bay: !vk <часть ника> - кикнуть игрока
(00:00 / All) bay: Сервер в Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/zFZsGTQ
(00:00 / All) bay: Группа вк - vk.com/irina_bot
(00:00 / All) bay: Сайт бота - irinabot.ru
(00:00 / All) bay:

(02:21 / Allies) bay: )
(02:21 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: o
(02:46 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48) The game has been paused by W1zarD-_-.
(02:48 / Allies) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 210ms, bay: 65ms, Immortal71: 40ms, hanger969: 38ms
(02:48 / All) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 233ms, bay: 64ms, Immortal71: 40ms, hanger969: 34ms
(02:48 / All) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 587ms, bay: 63ms, Immortal71: 38ms, hanger969: 37ms
(02:48 / All) bay: [W1zarD-_-]: переподключился.
(02:48 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48 / All) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 823ms, bay: 61ms, Immortal71: 36ms, hanger969: 34ms
(02:48 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48 / All) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 823ms, bay: 61ms, Immortal71: 36ms, hanger969: 26ms
(02:48 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48 / All) Immortal71: оно ниже будет?
(02:48 / All) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 833ms, bay: 60ms, hanger969: 38ms, Immortal71: 34ms
(02:48 / All) Immortal71: каждый раз выше и выше
(02:48 / All) bay: [W1zarD-_-]: переподключился.
(02:48 / All) bay: !p
(02:48 / All) bay: W1zarD-_-: 1038ms, bay: 61ms, hanger969: 41ms, Immortal71: 34ms
(02:48 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48 / All) bay: )
(02:48 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: !checkme
(02:48 / All) W1zarD-_-: vse go
(02:48) The game has been resumed by W1zarD-_-.

(03:43 / All) W1zarD-_-: sps

(06:40 / Allies) Immortal71: дерево
(06:55 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: y mena ger1 bakser1
(06:58 / Allies) Immortal71: пздц криво стартанул
(06:59 / Allies) Immortal71: игру

(10:52 / Allies) Immortal71: дерево
(11:02 / All) Immortal71: Гг
(11:07 / All) bay: Immortal71 добровольно вышел из игры.
(11:11 / All) W1zarD-_-: gg
(11:13 / All) bay: uu

(11:58 / All) bay: hanger969 добровольно вышел из игры.
(11:58 / Allies) W1zarD-_-: goold bay
(11:58 / All) bay: bay добровольно вышел из игры.
(11:58 / All) W1zarD-_-: Local socket closed!!!
(11:58 / All) W1zarD-_-: W1zarD-_- добровольно вышел из игры.