Основная информация

  • name: ДанилаЛюк
  • type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
  • host: GHost++
  • saver: Kolovrat.88
  • map_checksum:

  • map: MarketSquare
  • players: 3
  • length: 66:58
  • Replay: Replay
  • version: 1.26 W3XP


team 1 (winner)
UndeadKolovrat.88 (orange | 58 APM | 3915 actions | 66:58)
Hero icon 6 Crypt Lord
Ability icon 3 Carrion Beetles
Ability icon 2 Impale
Ability icon 1 Locust Swarm
Hero icon 6 Dark Ranger
Ability icon 3 Black Arrow
Ability icon 2 Silence
Ability icon 1 Charm

» действия
Assign group hotkey3
Basic commands6
Build / train145
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu57
Enter hero's abilities submenu12
Give item / drop item8
Remove unit from queue9
Right click2722
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey2
Select subgroup137
Use ability117
3915 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Acolyte 46
Ghoul 5
Gargoyle 9
60 всего
» улучшения
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
Unholy Strength3
Unholy Armor3
Stone Form1
Skeletal Longevity1
Necromancer Training2
Exhume Corpses1
Ghoul Frenzy1
Destroyer Form1
Skeletal Mastery1
Banshee Training1
25 всего
» здания
Altar of Darkness6
Nerubian Tower3
Halls of the Dead4
Tomb of Relics1
Spirit Tower10
Temple of the Damned1
Black Citadel3
67 всего
» порядок постройки
00:10 Crypt
00:17 Altar of Darkness
00:45 Ziggurat
01:12 Ziggurat
01:52 Graveyard
02:05 Nerubian Tower
04:41 Halls of the Dead
04:47 Tomb of Relics
06:22 Spirit Tower
07:07 Slaughterhouse
07:14 Temple of the Damned
07:18 Ziggurat
07:18 Ziggurat
07:19 Ziggurat
07:20 Ziggurat
07:22 Ziggurat
07:23 Ziggurat
08:15 Spirit Tower
08:17 Spirit Tower
08:18 Nerubian Tower
08:29 Spirit Tower
08:31 Spirit Tower
09:05 Crypt
09:07 Crypt
11:58 Black Citadel
15:58 Necropolis
16:29 Necropolis
19:20 Ziggurat
19:21 Ziggurat
19:25 Ziggurat
19:28 Ziggurat
24:17 Spirit Tower
24:19 Spirit Tower
24:20 Nerubian Tower
24:22 Spirit Tower
26:39 Ziggurat
26:40 Ziggurat
28:52 Spirit Tower
30:56 Ziggurat
30:57 Ziggurat
31:01 Ziggurat
31:04 Ziggurat
31:06 Ziggurat
31:07 Ziggurat
33:13 Necropolis
33:19 Necropolis
33:30 Spirit Tower
38:42 Halls of the Dead
39:32 Altar of Darkness
39:35 Necropolis
40:37 Necropolis
40:41 Altar of Darkness
44:50 Necropolis
45:39 Necropolis
46:21 Slaughterhouse
46:38 Black Citadel
50:24 Necropolis
54:20 Halls of the Dead
54:23 Halls of the Dead
54:29 Halls of the Dead
60:40 Black Citadel
60:53 Altar of Darkness
61:52 Altar of Darkness
62:50 Necropolis
62:54 Necropolis
63:06 Necropolis
65:29 Altar of Darkness
65:44 Necropolis
» предметы
Sacrificial Skull1
Potion of Healing1
Potion of Mana1
Orb of Corruption1
Scroll of Healing2
Staff of Teleportation1
7 всего
team 2 (loser)
HumanAlary-gamer1 (green | 47 APM | 3151 actions | 66:51)
Hero icon 10 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Bash
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 1 Avatar
Ability icon 3 Thunder Clap
Hero icon 1 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 1 Drunken Haze

» действия
Assign group hotkey1
Basic commands17
Build / train196
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu28
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Give item / drop item5
Remove unit from queue8
Right click1718
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey0
Select subgroup146
Use ability128
3151 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peasant 39
Footman 10
Rifleman 6
Forest Troll High Priest1
Siege Engine9
Priest 4
Knight 1
Flying Machine 4
Gryphon Rider 9
83 всего
» улучшения
Long Rifles1
Lumber Harvesting2
Magic Sentry1
Priest Training2
Flying Machine Bombs1
Flak Cannons1
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
27 всего
» здания
Lumber Mill1
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Scout Tower5
Arcane Tower3
Guard Tower8
Town Hall4
Arcane Sanctum1
Gryphon Aviary4
51 всего
» порядок постройки
00:14 Farm
00:37 Lumber Mill
00:51 Barracks
00:57 Barracks
01:14 Altar of Kings
01:46 Blacksmith
01:59 Blacksmith
02:30 Farm
03:03 Farm
03:56 Arcane Vault
04:29 Farm
04:32 Farm
04:52 Farm
04:55 Farm
06:27 Keep
07:15 Scout Tower
07:17 Scout Tower
07:19 Scout Tower
07:21 Scout Tower
07:23 Scout Tower
08:15 Arcane Tower
08:19 Guard Tower
08:53 Guard Tower
10:06 Arcane Tower
10:07 Guard Tower
12:00 Guard Tower
12:01 Arcane Tower
12:03 Guard Tower
12:41 Town Hall
14:08 Town Hall
15:33 Guard Tower
15:35 Guard Tower
15:36 Guard Tower
15:42 Town Hall
15:50 Castle
17:13 Arcane Sanctum
17:27 Workshop
26:49 Farm
26:49 Farm
26:50 Farm
26:51 Farm
26:52 Farm
40:35 Farm
40:36 Farm
40:37 Farm
40:38 Farm
51:40 Gryphon Aviary
51:46 Gryphon Aviary
51:49 Gryphon Aviary
51:51 Gryphon Aviary
59:05 Town Hall
» предметы
Scroll of Regeneration4
Ivory Tower9
Circlet of Nobility1
Boots of Speed1
Orb of Fire2
Potion of Mana5
Potion of Healing4
26 всего
team 3 (loser)
NightElfDaniel_Menethil (dark-green | 33 APM | 2187 actions | 66:58)
Hero icon 6 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 3 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 2 Scout
Ability icon 1 Starfall
Hero icon 4 Goblin Alchemist
Ability icon 2 Healing Spray
Ability icon 2 Acid Bomb
Hero icon 5 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 2 Force of Nature
Ability icon 3 Entangling Roots

» действия
Assign group hotkey28
Basic commands42
Build / train143
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu72
Enter hero's abilities submenu16
Give item / drop item0
Remove unit from queue11
Right click657
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey123
Select subgroup138
Use ability124
2187 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Wisp 67
Archer 1
Huntress 8
Mountain Giant 9
Glaive Thrower 5
98 всего
» улучшения
Strength of the Moon3
Nature's Blessing1
Hippogryph Taming1
Upgrade Moon Glaive1
Strength of the Wild3
Hardened Skin1
Resistant Skin1
Well Spring1
Vorpal Blades1
Improved Bows1
17 всего
» здания
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well10
Ancient of War19
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient Protector21
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Life3
Ancient of Wind4
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Lore10
Ancient of Wonders1
72 всего
» порядок постройки
00:27 Altar of Elders
00:46 Moon Well
01:27 Ancient of War
01:45 Moon Well
03:09 Hunter's Hall
03:53 Moon Well
03:57 Moon Well
05:28 Ancient Protector
06:16 Ancient Protector
06:22 Ancient Protector
08:39 Ancient Protector
08:41 Tree of Ages
08:47 Ancient Protector
09:10 Ancient of War
10:25 Tree of Life
12:06 Moon Well
12:07 Moon Well
14:00 Moon Well
14:01 Moon Well
14:02 Moon Well
14:05 Moon Well
15:42 Ancient of Wind
16:31 Ancient Protector
16:37 Ancient Protector
18:20 Tree of Eternity
18:25 Ancient Protector
18:42 Ancient Protector
22:26 Ancient of Lore
22:33 Ancient of Lore
23:48 Ancient of Wonders
32:28 Ancient Protector
32:33 Ancient Protector
32:37 Ancient Protector
32:43 Ancient Protector
32:47 Ancient Protector
33:55 Ancient Protector
33:59 Ancient Protector
34:04 Ancient Protector
34:08 Ancient Protector
34:12 Ancient Protector
40:21 Tree of Life
40:27 Ancient of Lore
40:30 Ancient of Lore
40:41 Ancient of War
40:47 Ancient of Lore
40:50 Ancient of War
45:33 Ancient of War
45:36 Ancient of War
45:41 Ancient of War
45:44 Ancient of War
45:47 Ancient of War
46:13 Ancient Protector
46:18 Ancient Protector
50:43 Ancient of War
50:48 Ancient of War
51:19 Ancient of War
51:23 Ancient of War
51:29 Tree of Life
52:14 Ancient of War
52:17 Ancient of War
59:08 Ancient of War
59:12 Ancient of War
59:15 Ancient of War
59:18 Ancient of War
59:41 Ancient of Wind
59:43 Ancient of Wind
59:45 Ancient of Wind
60:44 Ancient of Lore
60:45 Ancient of Lore
60:47 Ancient of Lore
60:49 Ancient of Lore
60:50 Ancient of Lore
observers (No Observers)


(3365349 / Lobby) : Игрок [Kolovrat.88#18838] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3365350 / Lobby) : Kolovrat.88: скачал карту за 0.4 секунд (452.4 КБ/сек).
(3365416 / Lobby) : Игрок [Alary-gamer1#16052] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3365423 / Lobby) : Alary-gamer1: скачал карту за 7.0 секунд (25.9 КБ/сек).
(3365456 / Lobby) : Игрок [Daniel_Menethil#21580] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3365457 / Lobby) : Daniel_Menethil: скачал карту за 0.9 секунд (198.4 КБ/сек).
(3366060 / Lobby) : Игрок [Alexander228337#222497] (BG) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3366061 / Lobby) : Alexander228337: скачал карту за 0.7 секунд (241.6 КБ/сек).
(3366200 / Lobby) Kolovrat.88: !s ncd
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Быстрее всех загрузился [Alary-gamer1]: 4.19 сек.
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Дольше всех загружался [Daniel_Menethil]: 5.04 сек.
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Вы в игре можете включить/выключить викторину.
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Для этого напишите !вик
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: !vk <часть ника> - кикнуть игрока
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Сервер в Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/zFZsGTQ
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Группа вк - vk.com/irina_bot
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88: Сайт бота - irinabot.ru
(00:00 / All) Kolovrat.88:

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/nwc3l/data/www/nwc3l.com/addons/w3g-parser/example_irinabot.php on line 396

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/nwc3l/data/www/nwc3l.com/addons/w3g-parser/example_irinabot.php on line 396
/ ) Daniel_Menethil: го на Вадима? :D

(27:47 / All) Daniel_Menethil: !вик

(30:22 / All) Daniel_Menethil: каучуконосец

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/nwc3l/data/www/nwc3l.com/addons/w3g-parser/example_irinabot.php on line 396

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/nwc3l/data/www/nwc3l.com/addons/w3g-parser/example_irinabot.php on line 396
/ ) Daniel_Menethil: я на него поход энтов отправил :D

(41:32 / All) Daniel_Menethil: смирнов

(43:08 / All) Daniel_Menethil: часть

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/nwc3l/data/www/nwc3l.com/addons/w3g-parser/example_irinabot.php on line 396

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/nwc3l/data/www/nwc3l.com/addons/w3g-parser/example_irinabot.php on line 396
/ ) Daniel_Menethil: :D

(66:51 / All) Kolovrat.88: Alary-gamer1 добровольно вышел из игры.
(66:58 / All) Kolovrat.88: Daniel_Menethil добровольно вышел из игры.
(66:58 / All) Kolovrat.88: Kolovrat.88 добровольно вышел из игры.