Основная информация

  • name: Игра #159304
  • type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
  • host: GHost++
  • saver: HACKER357
  • map_checksum:

  • map: HurricaneIsle
  • players: 3
  • length: 43:54
  • Replay: Replay
  • version: 1.26 W3XP


team 1 (winner)
HumanHACKER357 (teal | 47 APM | 2053 actions | 43:54)
Hero icon 9 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 3 Thunder Clap
Ability icon 1 Avatar
Ability icon 2 Bash
Hero icon 6 Paladin
Ability icon 1 Divine Shield
Ability icon 3 Devotion Aura
Ability icon 1 Holy Light
Ability icon 1 Resurrection

» действия
Assign group hotkey11
Basic commands157
Build / train131
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu21
Enter hero's abilities submenu15
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue7
Right click953
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey110
Select subgroup27
Use ability128
2053 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peasant 15
Footman 4
Goblin Shredder1
Rifleman 4
Priest 5
Mortar Team 3
Knight 4
Goblin Zeppelin 4
40 всего
» улучшения
Long Rifles1
Lumber Harvesting1
Fragmentation Shards1
Animal War Training1
Magic Sentry1
Control Magic1
Flying Machine Bombs1
Flak Cannons1
Priest Training2
Sorceress Training2
Storm Hammers1
29 всего
» здания
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower18
Guard Tower11
Town Hall2
Arcane Sanctum1
Arcane Vault1
Gryphon Aviary1
59 всего
» порядок постройки
00:12 Altar of Kings
00:16 Barracks
00:23 Farm
02:19 Lumber Mill
02:25 Blacksmith
02:31 Farm
02:32 Farm
02:33 Farm
05:08 Keep
05:42 Barracks
07:20 Scout Tower
07:21 Scout Tower
07:22 Scout Tower
07:24 Scout Tower
07:26 Scout Tower
08:38 Castle
08:50 Guard Tower
08:50 Guard Tower
08:53 Guard Tower
09:23 Town Hall
10:25 Guard Tower
10:27 Guard Tower
10:33 Arcane Sanctum
10:37 Workshop
10:41 Arcane Vault
10:44 Gryphon Aviary
12:14 Farm
12:15 Farm
12:19 Farm
12:20 Farm
21:11 Farm
21:12 Farm
21:14 Farm
21:14 Farm
21:15 Farm
21:16 Farm
21:16 Farm
21:17 Farm
21:17 Farm
22:56 Scout Tower
22:58 Scout Tower
22:58 Scout Tower
22:59 Scout Tower
23:00 Scout Tower
23:00 Scout Tower
23:02 Scout Tower
23:02 Scout Tower
23:03 Scout Tower
23:04 Scout Tower
23:04 Scout Tower
23:09 Scout Tower
23:12 Scout Tower
25:14 Guard Tower
25:17 Guard Tower
25:19 Guard Tower
25:59 Town Hall
26:49 Guard Tower
26:53 Guard Tower
26:53 Guard Tower
» предметы
Orb of Fire1
Mechanical Critter1
2 всего
team 2 (loser)
OrcSerega123412134 (red | 64 APM | 2720 actions | 42:30)
Hero icon 6 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Hero icon 3 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 2 War Stomp
Ability icon 1 Endurance Aura

» действия
Assign group hotkey38
Basic commands21
Build / train142
ESC pressed4
Enter build submenu46
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue3
Right click1274
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey361
Select subgroup41
Use ability157
2720 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peon 36
Grunt 3
Troll Headhunter/Berserker 1
Goblin Zeppelin 4
Wind Rider11
Troll Witch Doctor6
Kodo Beast 2
Shaman 5
Raider 8
Tauren 3
Demolisher 1
80 всего
» улучшения
Melee Weapons3
Berserker Strength1
Ranged Weapons3
Envenomed Spears1
Witch Doctor Training3
Shaman Training2
Reinforced Defenses1
Spiked Barricades1
War Drums Damage Increase1
21 всего
» здания
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow8
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill3
Great Hall6
Spirit Lodge4
Watch Tower13
Tauren Totem1
42 всего
» порядок постройки
00:04 Altar of Storms
00:22 Orc Burrow
00:39 Barracks
01:27 Voodoo Lounge
01:46 Orc Burrow
03:03 Stronghold
03:10 War Mill
05:14 War Mill
06:15 Beastiary
06:20 Beastiary
06:35 Orc Burrow
09:06 Fortress
09:32 Great Hall
10:51 Orc Burrow
11:24 Orc Burrow
12:22 Spirit Lodge
12:23 Spirit Lodge
14:34 Great Hall
15:33 Orc Burrow
17:07 Orc Burrow
17:12 Watch Tower
17:15 Watch Tower
17:17 Watch Tower
21:33 Watch Tower
21:38 Watch Tower
21:52 Spirit Lodge
22:03 War Mill
22:39 Watch Tower
22:44 Watch Tower
23:33 Spirit Lodge
24:47 Great Hall
24:50 Great Hall
25:26 Great Hall
26:43 Great Hall
28:00 Tauren Totem
30:29 Watch Tower
31:44 Watch Tower
34:12 Watch Tower
34:18 Watch Tower
35:11 Orc Burrow
37:02 Watch Tower
37:05 Watch Tower
» предметы
Healing Salve5
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Potion of Healing3
Scroll of Speed1
10 всего
team 3 (loser)
NightElfGodfather_Yurez (blue | 47 APM | 2057 actions | 43:54)
Hero icon 4 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn
Ability icon 2 Evasion
Ability icon 1 Immolation
Hero icon 4 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 2 Thorns Aura
Ability icon 1 Entangling Roots
Ability icon 1 Force of Nature
Hero icon 3 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 2 Searing Arrows

» действия
Assign group hotkey2
Basic commands7
Build / train148
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu34
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue11
Right click1153
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey0
Select subgroup24
Use ability112
2057 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Wisp 46
Archer 4
Glaive Thrower 2
Huntress 1
Goblin Zeppelin 3
Goblin Shredder1
Faerie Dragon 9
Chimaera 1
67 всего
» улучшения
Strength of the Moon3
Moon Armor2
Vorpal Blades1
Improved Bows1
Well Spring1
Nature's Blessing1
Upgrade Moon Glaive1
Strength of the Wild3
Reinforced Hides3
Druid of the Talon Training2
Hippogryph Taming1
Abolish Magic1
Resistant Skin1
Druid of the Claw Training2
Hardened Skin1
Mark of the Talon1
Corrosive Breath1
Mark of the Claw1
31 всего
» здания
Ancient of War3
Moon Well8
Altar of Elders1
Ancient of Wonders1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Ages1
Ancient Protector4
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Wind3
Tree of Life4
Ancient of Lore1
Chimaera Roost2
30 всего
» порядок постройки
01:04 Ancient of War
01:31 Moon Well
01:47 Altar of Elders
02:55 Ancient of Wonders
03:11 Hunter's Hall
04:14 Moon Well
04:23 Tree of Ages
05:46 Ancient Protector
08:45 Moon Well
08:49 Tree of Eternity
10:33 Ancient of Wind
12:55 Moon Well
12:59 Moon Well
13:32 Moon Well
15:26 Tree of Life
17:48 Ancient of Lore
18:01 Ancient of War
26:12 Tree of Life
28:00 Moon Well
28:03 Moon Well
28:09 Chimaera Roost
28:28 Ancient Protector
28:36 Ancient of War
28:44 Ancient Protector
30:21 Ancient of Wind
30:24 Ancient of Wind
34:17 Tree of Life
38:23 Ancient Protector
38:26 Chimaera Roost
40:35 Tree of Life
observers (No Observers)


(3993848 / Lobby) : Игрок [Serega123412134#222953] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3993849 / Lobby) : Serega123412134: скачал карту за 1.0 секунд (323.1 КБ/сек).
(3993866 / Lobby) : Игрок [Godfather_Yurez#180747] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3993867 / Lobby) : Godfather_Yurez: скачал карту за 0.9 секунд (364.9 КБ/сек).
(3993915 / Lobby) : Игрок [HACKER357#159304] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(3993915 / Lobby) : HACKER357: скачал карту за 0.5 секунд (695.9 КБ/сек).
(3993962 / Lobby) HACKER357: !start
(3993962 / Lobby) : 10. . .
(3993962 / Lobby) : 9. . .
(3993963 / Lobby) : 8. . .
(3993963 / Lobby) : 7. . .
(3993964 / Lobby) : 6. . .
(3993964 / Lobby) : 5. . .
(3993965 / Lobby) : 4. . .
(3993965 / Lobby) : 3. . .
(3993966 / Lobby) : 2. . .
(3993966 / Lobby) : Поскорей уведи прочь отсюда,
(3993966 / Lobby) : До нуля сократи расстояние,
(3993966 / Lobby) : В эту ночь я единственной буду,
(3993966 / Lobby) : Дам инстинктам править.
(3993966 / Lobby) : Знаешь, в даме должна быть загадка,
(3993966 / Lobby) : Так не ведись на мои речи сладкие -
(3993966 / Lobby) : И пускай заткнёт мой капризный рот
(3993966 / Lobby) : Нежный твой поцелуй.
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Быстрее всех загрузился [Serega123412134]: 3.71 сек.
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Дольше всех загружался [Godfather_Yurez]: 3.97 сек.
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Вы в игре можете включить/выключить викторину.
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Для этого напишите !вик
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: !vk <часть ника> - кикнуть игрока
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Сервер в Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/zFZsGTQ
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Группа вк - vk.com/irina_bot
(00:00 / All) HACKER357: Сайт бота - irinabot.ru
(00:00 / All) HACKER357:

(42:30 / All) HACKER357: Serega123412134 добровольно вышел из игры.

(43:54 / All) HACKER357: Godfather_Yurez добровольно вышел из игры.
(43:54 / All) HACKER357: HACKER357 добровольно вышел из игры.