Основная информация

  • name: 1x1 2x2 NOOB
  • type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
  • host: GHost++
  • saver: PLAYER777Z0REdd
  • map_checksum:

  • map: LostTempleLV_AHS
  • players: 4
  • length: 17:55
  • Replay: Replay
  • version: 1.26 W3XP


team 1 (winner)
OrcPLAYER777Z0REdd (red | 83 APM | 1407 actions | 16:52)
Hero icon 4 Far Seer
Ability icon 2 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 2 Chain Lighting
Hero icon 4 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 2 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 2 War Stomp
Hero icon 2 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Hex
Ability icon 1 Healing Wave

» действия
Assign group hotkey16
Basic commands2
Build / train69
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu12
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue2
Right click748
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey75
Select subgroup116
Use ability56
1407 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peon 13
Troll Headhunter/Berserker 12
Shaman 4
Kodo Beast 3
Raider 1
Troll Witch Doctor1
34 всего
» улучшения
Ranged Weapons2
Berserker Upgrade1
Shaman Training2
Reinforced Defenses1
War Drums Damage Increase1
Witch Doctor Training1
10 всего
» здания
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Spirit Lodge1
14 всего
» порядок постройки
00:06 Altar of Storms
00:17 Orc Burrow
00:54 War Mill
01:13 Barracks
01:50 Orc Burrow
02:12 Voodoo Lounge
02:58 Stronghold
05:12 Orc Burrow
05:30 Fortress
05:36 Spirit Lodge
05:59 Orc Burrow
08:42 Beastiary
09:30 Orc Burrow
12:06 Orc Burrow
» предметы
Healing Salve2
Scroll of Speed2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Tiny Great Hall1
6 всего
HumanSeregaChelovek (blue | 154 APM | 2593 actions | 16:52)
Hero icon 5 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash
Hero icon 2 Blood Mage
Ability icon 1 Flame Strike
Ability icon 1 Siphon Mana

» действия
Assign group hotkey53
Basic commands172
Build / train75
ESC pressed3
Enter build submenu31
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue0
Right click824
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey853
Select subgroup61
Use ability74
2593 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peasant 23
Footman 13
Gryphon Rider 24
60 всего
» улучшения
Lumber Harvesting1
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
13 всего
» здания
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower6
Arcane Tower2
Town Hall1
Lumber Mill1
Guard Tower4
Arcane Vault1
Gryphon Aviary5
35 всего
» порядок постройки
00:06 Altar of Kings
00:18 Farm
00:20 Barracks
00:49 Farm
01:29 Scout Tower
01:57 Farm
02:27 Arcane Tower
02:52 Farm
04:18 Town Hall
04:29 Scout Tower
04:55 Arcane Tower
04:56 Scout Tower
05:03 Lumber Mill
05:47 Keep
05:51 Scout Tower
06:37 Guard Tower
06:38 Blacksmith
06:59 Guard Tower
07:04 Arcane Vault
07:33 Farm
07:42 Farm
08:46 Castle
08:51 Gryphon Aviary
08:52 Gryphon Aviary
09:07 Gryphon Aviary
09:27 Scout Tower
09:32 Scout Tower
09:34 Farm
10:02 Guard Tower
10:04 Guard Tower
11:04 Farm
11:05 Gryphon Aviary
11:12 Gryphon Aviary
12:17 Farm
12:54 Farm
team 2 (loser)
UndeadPajiloyKriBetka (green | 55 APM | 934 actions | 16:50)
Hero icon 2 Death Knight
Ability icon 1 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura

» действия
Assign group hotkey0
Basic commands1
Build / train50
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu12
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Give item / drop item0
Remove unit from queue3
Right click565
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey0
Select subgroup33
Use ability44
934 всего
» units
Acolyte 5
Ghoul 3
Crypt Fiend 7
Goblin Sapper 2
17 всего
» улучшения
Creature Attack2
Creature Carapace2
6 всего
» здания
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead1
Spirit Tower1
Black Citadel1
14 всего
» порядок постройки
00:08 Altar of Darkness
00:10 Ziggurat
00:33 Crypt
00:56 Graveyard
01:14 Ziggurat
01:52 Tomb of Relics
02:46 Nerubian Tower
04:36 Halls of the Dead
05:27 Ziggurat
06:35 Spirit Tower
09:09 Ziggurat
09:09 Ziggurat
12:09 Black Citadel
13:11 Necropolis
» предметы
Potion of Healing1
Potion of Mana1
Scroll of Town Portal3
Scroll of Speed1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
7 всего
Orcegorchikkk (teal | 66 APM | 1112 actions | 16:52)
Hero icon 3 Far Seer
Ability icon 2 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 1 Chain Lighting
Hero icon 1 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Hex

» действия
Assign group hotkey20
Basic commands0
Build / train54
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Give item / drop item0
Remove unit from queue0
Right click569
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey111
Select subgroup35
Use ability45
1112 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peon 17
Grunt 1
Troll Headhunter/Berserker 10
Goblin Zeppelin 1
Troll Batrider 1
30 всего
» улучшения
Ranged Weapons2
4 всего
» здания
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow4
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Great Hall3
Watch Tower1
Spirit Lodge1
16 всего
» порядок постройки
00:01 Altar of Storms
00:41 Orc Burrow
00:45 Barracks
01:22 War Mill
02:02 Orc Burrow
03:59 Stronghold
04:52 Voodoo Lounge
05:15 Orc Burrow
05:32 Great Hall
06:11 Great Hall
09:32 Watch Tower
11:19 Great Hall
11:32 Orc Burrow
12:08 Fortress
13:13 Spirit Lodge
14:00 Beastiary
» предметы
Healing Salve2
Scroll of Town Portal2
Potion of Mana1
Orb of Lightning1
6 всего
observers (Referees)


(1967221 / Lobby) : Игрок [PLAYER777Z0REdd#180292] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1967221 / Lobby) : Ошибка загрузки рейтинга игрока PLAYER777Z0REdd
(1967221 / Lobby) : JSON Structure error
(1967679 / Lobby) : Игрок [PajiloyKriBetka#86876] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1967687 / Lobby) PajiloyKriBetka: дароу
(1967689 / Lobby) : Игрок [egorchikkk#86866] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1967743 / Lobby) : Игрок [SeregaChelovek#135985] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1967756 / Lobby) SeregaChelovek: go
(1967759 / Lobby) egorchikkk: го
(1967760 / Lobby) SeregaChelovek: ili bs!
(1967768 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: eto zadroti?
(1967774 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !stats egorch
(1967774 / Lobby) : []: 170 игр(ы) c пребыванием: 99%;
(1967774 / Lobby) : Отключений: 3
(1967774 / Lobby) : Игр покинуто: 93
(1967774 / Lobby) : Побед: 72
(1967774 / Lobby) : Поражений: 2
(1967774 / Lobby) SeregaChelovek: hz
(1967775 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: da
(1967781 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !stats pajilo
(1967782 / Lobby) : []: 871 игр(ы) c пребыванием: 99%;
(1967782 / Lobby) : Отключений: 124
(1967782 / Lobby) : Игр покинуто: 389
(1967782 / Lobby) : Побед: 347
(1967782 / Lobby) : Поражений: 11
(1967783 / Lobby) SeregaChelovek: da go
(1967791 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !s n
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Быстрее всех загрузился [egorchikkk]: 3.16 сек.
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Дольше всех загружался [SeregaChelovek]: 9.90 сек.
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Вы в игре можете включить/выключить викторину.
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Для этого напишите !вик
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !vk <часть ника> - кикнуть игрока
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Сервер в Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/zFZsGTQ
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Группа вк - vk.com/irina_bot
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Сайт бота - irinabot.ru
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd:
(00:11 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: -zoom 2300
(00:22 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: sereg a kak apm smotret
(00:24 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: -apm
(00:26 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: 4e to takoe
(00:32 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: exp pomogi
(00:37) The game has been paused by PajiloyKriBetka.
(00:37 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: zashitit
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ya v haras farsirom
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ho4y
(00:37 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: davai probui
(00:37 / All) PajiloyKriBetka: траблы с мышью
(00:37 / All) PajiloyKriBetka: ща
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: a kak apm
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: smotret
(00:37 / All) PajiloyKriBetka: моментик
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: v bitve
(00:37 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: nikak
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: mojno
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: -apm
(00:37 / All) SeregaChelovek: -apm
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ili kak to ttak
(00:37 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: ne
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: 100%
(00:37 / All) SeregaChelovek: -draw
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ya igral
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: 4el pisal
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: y nego 300 bilo y menya 60
(00:37 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: proga u nego
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: kak was pomny
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: net
(00:37 / All) PajiloyKriBetka: го?
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ya toje propisal
(00:37 / All) SeregaChelovek: go
(00:37 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: da
(00:37) The game has been resumed by egorchikkk.

(05:50 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: go mid

(06:40 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ?
(06:46 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: krip

(10:57 / Allies) SeregaChelovek: bb

(12:33 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: zadi

(13:21 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ska

(15:41 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: napdat?
(15:46 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ili syuda
(16:13 / All) egorchikkk: ВЫ НЕ НУБЫ
(16:18 / All) SeregaChelovek: hz
(16:50 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: PajiloyKriBetka добровольно вышел из игры.
(16:52 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: egorchikkk добровольно вышел из игры.
(16:52 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: SeregaChelovek добровольно вышел из игры.
(16:52 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: PLAYER777Z0REdd добровольно вышел из игры.