Warning! The script has encountered some errors when parsing the replay. Please report them to the author. » details

Unknown ItemID at 03:54: n002

Unknown ItemID at 04:12: n003

Основная информация

  • name: 2x2 NOOB
  • type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
  • host: GHost++
  • saver: ZloyrogKerna
  • map_checksum:

  • map: Twisted_Meadows_ATRCUP
  • players: 4
  • length: 21:44
  • Replay: Replay
  • version: 1.26 W3XP


team 1 (winner)
Random» HumanZloyrogKerna (purple | 79 APM | 1714 actions | 21:44)
Hero icon 5 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 2 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 1 Engineering Upgrade
Ability icon 2 Cluster Rockets
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike

» действия
Assign group hotkey65
Basic commands11
Build / train110
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu23
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item3
Remove unit from queue2
Right click727
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey109
Select subgroup122
Use ability97
1714 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peasant 21
Footman 6
Rifleman 5
Dragonhawk Rider19
51 всего
» улучшения
Lumber Harvesting1
4 всего
» здания
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall1
Scout Tower4
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Tower2
Gryphon Aviary2
Guard Tower2
28 всего
» порядок постройки
00:06 Altar of Kings
00:18 Barracks
00:34 Farm
00:49 Farm
01:33 Farm
01:48 Arcane Vault
03:41 Town Hall
03:46 Scout Tower
03:57 Lumber Mill
04:51 Arcane Tower
05:19 Keep
05:19 Keep
05:30 Blacksmith
06:14 Farm
07:04 Scout Tower
07:14 Farm
07:44 Gryphon Aviary
07:47 Gryphon Aviary
10:11 Farm
10:14 Guard Tower
10:15 Scout Tower
10:38 Farm
11:02 Guard Tower
11:19 Farm
11:40 Farm
13:35 Farm
16:22 Scout Tower
20:28 Arcane Tower
» предметы
Scroll of Regeneration7
Lesser Clarity Potion7
Scroll of Town Portal5
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability4
Scroll of Protection3
Circlet of Nobility1
Scroll of Healing3
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Healing1
32 всего
UndeadRamiresG9 (teal | 82 APM | 1788 actions | 21:43)
Hero icon 7 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» действия
Assign group hotkey32
Basic commands182
Build / train60
ESC pressed0
Enter build submenu21
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item4
Remove unit from queue3
Right click780
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey206
Select subgroup102
Use ability54
1788 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Acolyte 7
Crypt Fiend 16
Ghoul 2
Destroyer 2
27 всего
» улучшения
Creature Attack2
Creature Carapace2
Destroyer Form1
6 всего
» здания
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics2
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Nerubian Tower2
Spirit Tower3
26 всего
» порядок постройки
00:06 Graveyard
00:16 Crypt
00:20 Crypt
00:45 Altar of Darkness
00:56 Ziggurat
02:01 Ziggurat
02:38 Tomb of Relics
03:00 Ziggurat
03:56 Ziggurat
06:37 Necropolis
08:04 Halls of the Dead
11:42 Black Citadel
11:46 Slaughterhouse
11:46 Slaughterhouse
13:14 Ziggurat
13:16 Ziggurat
15:05 Ziggurat
15:07 Ziggurat
15:29 Nerubian Tower
15:30 Spirit Tower
15:31 Spirit Tower
16:12 Ziggurat
16:14 Ziggurat
16:19 Tomb of Relics
17:05 Spirit Tower
17:06 Nerubian Tower
» предметы
Rod of Necromancy2
Scroll of Regeneration2
Circlet of Nobility1
Scroll of Town Portal1
Boots of Speed1
7 всего
team 2 (loser)
Random» HumanPLAYER777Z0REdd (red | 72 APM | 1573 actions | 21:42)
Hero icon 5 Dark Ranger
Ability icon 3 Black Arrow
Ability icon 2 Silence
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk

» действия
Assign group hotkey24
Basic commands6
Build / train81
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu26
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item7
Remove unit from queue2
Right click711
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey45
Select subgroup188
Use ability67
1573 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peasant 16
Footman 3
Rifleman 8
Priest 4
Goblin Shredder1
Sorceress 3
Dragonhawk Rider1
Gryphon Rider 3
39 всего
» улучшения
Long Rifles1
Sorceress Training1
Animal War Training1
5 всего
» здания
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower3
Arcane Tower2
Arcane Vault2
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Sanctum2
Town Hall1
Guard Tower1
Gryphon Aviary2
32 всего
» порядок постройки
00:06 Altar of Kings
00:19 Barracks
00:34 Farm
00:56 Farm
01:28 Scout Tower
01:40 Farm
02:04 Farm
02:20 Arcane Tower
02:21 Arcane Tower
03:00 Keep
03:00 Keep
03:19 Blacksmith
04:29 Arcane Vault
04:32 Farm
04:37 Lumber Mill
07:07 Arcane Sanctum
07:13 Arcane Sanctum
07:29 Arcane Vault
08:09 Farm
08:29 Farm
09:47 Town Hall
09:50 Farm
11:35 Scout Tower
11:37 Scout Tower
12:14 Guard Tower
13:20 Gryphon Aviary
13:22 Gryphon Aviary
13:24 Castle
15:31 Farm
15:33 Farm
15:34 Farm
15:34 Farm
» предметы
Scroll of Regeneration6
Scroll of Town Portal6
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Staff of Sanctuary1
Orb of Fire2
16 всего
Random» Humanfuler4ik (blue | 103 APM | 2246 actions | 21:43)
Hero icon 4 Pit Lord
Ability icon 2 Cleaving Attack
Ability icon 2 Howl of Terror
Hero icon 1 Beastmaster
Ability icon 1 Summon Bear
Hero icon 2 Dreadlord
Ability icon 1 Carrion Swarm
Ability icon 1 Sleep

» действия
Assign group hotkey51
Basic commands95
Build / train63
ESC pressed2
Enter build submenu15
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item3
Remove unit from queue0
Right click1016
Select / deselect1
Select group hotkey533
Select subgroup124
Use ability84
2246 всего
» горячие клавиши
» units
Peasant 15
Footman 4
Knight 13
Rifleman 5
37 всего
» улучшения
Animal War Training1
Long Rifles1
5 всего
» здания
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower1
Arcane Tower1
Arcane Vault1
Lumber Mill1
19 всего
» порядок постройки
00:09 Altar of Kings
00:21 Farm
00:25 Barracks
00:53 Farm
01:32 Scout Tower
01:57 Farm
02:02 Arcane Tower
03:27 Arcane Vault
04:08 Keep
04:43 Blacksmith
04:48 Farm
04:49 Farm
05:33 Lumber Mill
05:56 Farm
05:59 Farm
07:16 Castle
07:20 Barracks
12:31 Barracks
15:30 Farm
» предметы
Scroll of Regeneration7
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Orb of Fire1
Staff of Sanctuary2
Potion of Healing1
Scroll of Town Portal1
16 всего
observers (No Observers)


(1998179 / Lobby) : Игрок [PLAYER777Z0REdd#180292] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1998321 / Lobby) : Игрок [fuler4ik#72185] (BY) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1998480 / Lobby) fuler4ik: !срусльу
(1998555 / Lobby) : Создаю открытую игру [2x2 NOOB]. Пожалуйста подождите...
(1998555 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !pub 2x2 NOOB
(1998618 / Lobby) : Игрок [RamiresG9#42587] (BY) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1998618 / Lobby) : RamiresG9: скачал карту за 0.6 секунд (596.7 КБ/сек).
(1998627 / Lobby) : Игрок [Freestyle_Aza#199622] (KZ) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1998673 / Lobby) : Игрок [fuler4ik#72185] (BY) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1998708 / Lobby) fuler4ik: !срусльу
(1998738 / Lobby) : Игрок [ZloyrogKerna#94745] (RU) ВОРВАЛСЯ в игру с irinabot.ru.
(1998759 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: fuler4ik
(1998762 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: klan 1
(1998770 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: i vi kakoi po kaify
(1998775 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: э
(1998778 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: может бс
(1998779 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: ?
(1998789 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: v hui sebe ekni
(1998803 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: ебанько?
(1998807 / Lobby) fuler4ik: !срусльу
(1998808 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ya vas ne znay
(1998811 / Lobby) fuler4ik: ёёёё
(1998813 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: a s nim igral pary raz
(1998816 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: и что
(1998823 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: stav 2
(1998825 / Lobby) fuler4ik: мне 1?
(1998828 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: da
(1998831 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ti 1
(1998834 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: kerna 2
(1998843 / Lobby) fuler4ik: !срусльу
(1998844 / Lobby) RamiresG9: так мб баланс
(1998847 / Lobby) RamiresG9: !bs
(1998848 / Lobby) RamiresG9: а
(1998849 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: ya nub
(1998852 / Lobby) fuler4ik: так давай
(1998853 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: eto dlya nubov
(1998854 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: он ебанько
(1998854 / Lobby) fuler4ik: бс
(1998862 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: слов не понимает
(1998864 / Lobby) RamiresG9: !го
(1998866 / Lobby) fuler4ik: го тады
(1998868 / Lobby) RamiresG9: !go
(1998872 / Lobby) fuler4ik: рог норм
(1998888 / Lobby) ZloyrogKerna: хоооост
(1998889 / Lobby) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !s n
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Быстрее всех загрузился [ZloyrogKerna]: 4.71 сек.
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Дольше всех загружался [fuler4ik]: 13.18 сек.
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Вы в игре можете включить/выключить викторину.
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Для этого напишите !вик
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: !vk <часть ника> - кикнуть игрока
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Сервер в Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/zFZsGTQ
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Группа вк - vk.com/irina_bot
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: Сайт бота - irinabot.ru
(00:00 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd:

(01:01 / Allies) RamiresG9: -zoom 2000

(09:53 / All) fuler4ik: звери

(12:19 / Allies) RamiresG9: ,
(12:21 / Allies) RamiresG9: б

(14:50 / Allies) PLAYER777Z0REdd: tp

(15:39 / Allies) RamiresG9: дерево?
(15:57 / Allies) RamiresG9: спс

(18:22 / Allies) fuler4ik: блэйд без тп

(21:42 / All) PLAYER777Z0REdd: PLAYER777Z0REdd добровольно вышел из игры.
(21:43 / All) fuler4ik: геге
(21:43 / All) RamiresG9: fuler4ik добровольно вышел из игры.
(21:43 / All) RamiresG9: RamiresG9 добровольно вышел из игры.
(21:44 / All) ZloyrogKerna: ZloyrogKerna добровольно вышел из игры.