NWC3L Series #2

Boka vs ena1337

28.07.2017 20:00 CEST
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[RN] ena1337
boka 1 (g2) - 2 (g1&g3) ena1337

ena1337 wins 2-1

ggs wp

replays will be uploaded soon
[RN] ena1337
I'm here and ready to play...
[RN] ena1337
if you don't confirm the time, how can I know that we will play? need your confirmation.
[RN] ena1337
please confirm
[RN] ena1337
diese Woche sonntag 14 uhr sollte passen

du wirst mich aber nicht über w3arena chat erreichen können sondern über twitch chat: ena1337

[Fs] Boka
Sonntag 14 Uhr ?
[RN] ena1337
lets play today?