Week 9: InFernales [InFs] vs DuSt Gaming [DuSt]

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Another week, another tech lose ....
[DuSt] Bidoux
acidreign will not be postponing, tech win to InFs
[InFs] InFs_Zero_[M]
:D np guys, que cogida nos estan dando lpm
[DuSt] Bidoux
we pp DI, will discuss a time with zero and post it here
[InFs] InFs_Zero_[M]
guys we will play in standard time, east server meet / j clan infs ... glhf



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son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST