Week 5: RAGE Esports [RAGa] vs Latam United [LUL]

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    preko vikenda onda
    [RoK] Edge
    Thanks to LuL, Special thanks to Mullen and MartialSpirit, good luck guys! Cya
    Whole clan war has been played and replays sumbited, Thanks LUL for not just taking free wins and finishing clan war without needing admin :D good luck in rest of league
    Prozivas za skill nekoga a onda ne smes da igras sa tim istim koji te izazove. Sta pare tu znace, nista
    Ti si spomenuo pare, mene to ne zanima :) Ako zelis u pare organizuj sam pa da igramo. Sto se mene tice organizacija nije potrebna, dovoljne su partije, ostalo se da resiti.
    organizuj ,napravi prizepool pa javi kad gotovo
    Kada budes smeo hteo i mogao javi se ovde.
    Moze. Reci u koliko para i idemo.
    ako ima $ onda moze :D
    Ok, ajmo bo5 onda sada odma.? Pa da ti pokazem da si ispod 55 % ako sam ja vec 55 %
    kad te ja zvao za 2v2 si ti decko jeo bunjike jutros :DDD ljut si ste jebu svi redom i nemos prec 55% popij malo caj od kamilice smiri se:D. Sto se tice cw ja sam doso na vreme i cekao kolko mogao do 6:20 tad vec turnir poceo nmg ja ceo dan , ako danger nije mogo da igra u 17 :00 onda su trebali kazu ili replace. Posteno smo odigrali i 2-1 to je to , po pravili mogo sam ja def win ali nisam bolje odigra se kasnije
    [LUL] Gatzu-
    very disrespectful rage not presenting their players , i cant believe danger still played that game, and hunter never showed up. playing a cw with only pain
    Pokusavao si da me vrbujes 5 puta trazio da igramo 2na2 smarao me sa porukama na twicu pacenice mali
    Da si bio tu kao i svi ostali sto su bili igrao bi, o cemu ti govoris.? Otisao si sam sa cwa, kako neko drugi moze da bude kriv za to, danger je bio tu sve vreme ali nije mogao da dodje odma od 5 jer je igrao w3il. U stvari, sva 3 para koja ste trebali da igrate ste trebali da dobijete def lose jer niko od vas nije bio tu kao sto su svi ostali bili i cekali. Pa mi smo igrali 2na2 nakon dva i po sata od starta cwa na kom sam bio od pocetka i to sa vasim drugim timom, nakon sto smo cekali vas dvojcu da dodjete. Pa ko tu zasluzuje od vas da igra.. Vidim ja da ces zvati ateista da te brani, picko mala
    brate ne seri,nije ni cudo sto atheist reko si retard :D menjas clan svake nedelje jos sad nesto pricas oko clanwara. ako 1h dozvoljen pp i dalje je on doso posle toga oko 1h 20min , ja sam odma reko da ne mogu da cekam i da igram pre 6 ili oko 8
    Ti da si insistirao da moras da igras i da ne mozes kasnije, ili da si jednostavno trazio defwin, sigurno bi igrao, namestiil bi ti drugog igraca. A jednostavno i u pravilu pise da moze da se pp na sat vremena(vidi pravila). Ne, nego jednostavno trazis sada izgovor za to sto si 2 sata bio off sa cwa jer si morao da igras mym solo kup, dok je danger igrao w3iL za klan, kapiras razliku?(sebican si i bole te kurac a ovde prodajes pricu) Fora je da su se mecevi igrali stalno bez pauze, dok nismo dosli na tebe koga smo cekali dobrih 30 minuta i opet nisi bio tu. I gde si ti video da svi odma dodju i svi odma igraju, uvek se mecevi igraju jedan po jedan, bitno je da je bez pauze, ako moze paralel ide se paralel, a ako neko ima problem da ne moze kasnije onda se to forsira. Kod tebe se nista nije forsiralo niti pricalo, samo je vas klovn menadzer ubacio drugog i nastavili smo. I sta, znaci mi kad smo videli da nemate huntera 15 min, mi smo nakon 15 min samo trebali da kazemo nije on tu i dodjemo ovde da seremo kao ti i trazimo win? Naravno nismo idioti poput vas, cak smo vas i pustili da zamenite ceo tim i opet smo igrali, jer kakve veze ima.
    Ajde klinac ne lupetaj, ko se tebi obraca uopste?
    No idea what chebuwu is talking lol. I cant wait 2 hours for danger( i have a life too ^^) , i waited till 18:20+ then i had to play cup games, cw is at 17:00? so how am in the wrong , come on time next time ^^
    No idea what chebuwu is talking lol. I cant wait 2 hours for danger , i waited till 18:20+ then i had to play cup games, cw is at 17:00? so how am in the wrong , come on time next time ^^
    Just a recap. We had two bo3 started on time and going on one after another. After these two bo3 finished opposite team could not continue any of other three bo3 because their 2 players hunter and fpxy were offline. We waited for them long enough(approximate 20 mins at least) but they did not come. In the end we allowed them to change their 2v2 team and played that 2v2. So, all in all, we never made YOU wait, you made US to wait. If you think your player fpxy has the rights for a defwin please post your screen shot where you tell us that he has to go and that he must play immediately. It never happened that way, all you did was that you seeded your another bo3 player and we moved on, and nobody was waiting for anyone.
    [InFc] MartialSpirit
    We granted you the 2v2. We do not wish to grant you more games after the delay. Our players cannot play anymore because they have other things to do, other than waiting for you in the lobby.

    Tech loss stays and evidence stands. Dispute it if you want, but note that the ones who lacked interest were you and you clan, when you left us 25 minutes waiting with no reply.
    [RPTR] CieN
    2on2 2-0 for Pain Believe GW and TR,
    we wanna play TG now, cuz kodo and danger here.
    but LuL not interested in it.
    [RPTR] CieN
    Hunter not here today, ye, 2on2 we ve to reseed Pain UD Believe NE ,
    But kodo was w8ing 1 Hr and 30 min for Danger, admin must decide who get deffwin for this Solo

    [InFc] MartialSpirit

    We agreed to play the 2v2 vs Believe (ELF) and Pain (UD) will play it for RAGE.

    The other 1v1 games are techloss.
    [InFc] MartialSpirit
    We waited for 20 minutes for fpx and Hunter, and they did not show up. Neither their manager said anything else and went AFK. Pain was there asking for more time but it was not possible to go on, since the 2v2 and the 1v1 needed the presence of Hunter and FPX. We also offered them the choice to replace the players and PP one game, but CieN did not reply.

    Sorry for this, I hate techwins and techlosses, but discipline must be applied sometimes.
    [InFc] MartialSpirit
    We waited for 20 minutes for fpx and Hunter, and they did not show up. Neither their manager said anything else and went AFK. Pain was there asking for more time but it was not possible to go on, since the 2v2 and the 1v1 needed the presence of Hunter and FPX. We also offered them the choice to replace the players and PP one game, but CieN did not reply.

    Sorry for this, I hate techwins and techlosses, but discipline must me applied sometimes.
    I will stay orc in game1, 2v2.
    [RoK] Edge
    @admin for some reason we cant upload the replay of game 2 of pain vs buu, Pain won 2-0.
    [RoK] Edge
    yes its fine.
    in 2v2 the player chewingbuu is assigned as an orc. It was a mistake of mine. he will play with race undead 2v2. . he will use undead race in 2v2. Do you accept the change?
    [RoK] Edge
    Team LUL, we will meet at channel clan RAGE@USEast at 17:00 CEST (11:00 am EST). Thanks
    [RoK] Edge
    Team LUL, we will meet at channel clan RAGE@USEast at 17:00 CEST (11:00 am EST). Thanks
    [RoK] Edge
    No its not mullen. We have Euro players that cant play at 4:00 am. All games gonna be played on default time, which is Sunday 17:00 CEST. thanks
    Good morning my friend. Is it comfortable to play 2 games on Saturday 21 est?
    and play the other 3 games on sunday 17 cest?



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