Week 3: P r o - G a m i n g [pG] vs Real Life Buddies [RLB]

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[pG] pG.Okkul
Razzorman replaced Schoko vs Ajk. RLB is agree
[pG] pG.Okkul
Yes, schoko cant play today, lets schedule on next week
[pG] Acedia
What time AJK can play next week?
[pG] Acedia
Hi, we have to postpone the match Shoko vs AJK to next week.
[pG] pG.Okkul
Shocker vs SkyRocky 2-0. 2 replaces by both team are allowed
[pG] pG.Okkul
We allow
[InFs] AJK
I hear that you want to replace practiceman for shocker, which we find ok and agree to, but coolno is a hardworkign man and doesnt have much time. So i suggest we place skyrocky if you allow it.
[pG] pG.Okkul
Hi. Can Coolno2 play today ? Plz put time if possible for this match
[pG] pG.Okkul
I would inform you about schoko when he would tell me about his match
[InFs] AJK
Noobforthelife is ready today at 19:00. What about my match vs shocko?
[pG] pG.Okkul
Cash can play today 19 cest and 1.5-2h later. Is it works for Noobforthelife?
[RLB] SkyRocky
We replaced Coolno2 in 2v2, Enemy team agree whit that.
[pG] pG.Okkul
We replaced Blade to Shocker in 2v2. RLB is agree
[InFs] AJK
RLB has to sub skyrocky for coolno for 2v2, so most of the matches will be played.


Previous matches

pG [7:8] RLB 18.12.2016


Last comments

son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST