Final: God Bless Pirates [GBP] vs Wrath and Madness team X [WaMX]

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[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
thx 4 league
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
[GBP] Namaste
Arena works now so it's ok. Let's meet in an hour.
[GBP] Namaste
3 players from our clan can play bnet, so we can play 3 solo games ant AT on Northrend.
[WaMY] Ado125
yea, well, anyway, lets postpone TR. We maybe can play it later, around 20 or 21cet but its not sure. If your player can wait till then its ok, if not we can postpone it to other day.
[GBP] Namaste
you still can send it to admin at the appointed time.
Whet's about Northrend, i don't know yet. At least 1 of our players definitely can't login to, so if the rest of us can, would be ok. I can answer exactly when they'll come online.
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
meet at ''clan wam'' at northend because w3a is down,our bot works on bnet also
[WaMY] Ado125
And btw, you dont need to put the lineup in. I still didnt receive password for being wam x manager so i cannot put lineup here. Lets do it on the place ;)
[WaMY] Ado125
Hi guys, w3arena is still down, will we play it on northrend?
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
[GBP] Namaste
what's about 19. CET? it's bo3 so much time may be needed
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
OK,So tomorrow evening would be nice,20:00CET so 22 your time
[GBP] Namaste
at evening, any time, but you should consider that we have +2 hours comparing to C.E.T. in Moscow.
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
Sound cool,which time?
[GBP] Namaste
Wednsday or Thursday
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
Hey,when can you play?


Last comments

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