Week 6: Washed Up [wU] vs Team Italy [ITA]

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[wU] Shear
Confirmed what lovestruck said, Federer replaced Warownz
[ITA] LoveStruck
We used the wildcard for AZ and replaced WaRoWnZ with FedEReR, but somehow failed to do it on the website and unfortunately the score has also been reported. Any way to change that?
[wU] Shear
AZ to be played Friday 28.8.2020 @ 20:00 CEST.
[wU] Shear
Amazonia postpone mutually, will schedule later this week. Thank you
[ITA] LoveStruck
The 2vs2 score has been reported incorrectly, it's 2-0 for Washed Up.
[wU] Shear
Hi friends, can you play Sunday 23.98.2020 @ 20:00 Cest instead? Most of us are in PDT timezone (CEST - 9hrs) and 17:00 is too early for us. Let me know if this works or we can find another date / time. Here's my discord Id if you'd rather talk there, feel free to message anytime: RealdogXL#7643


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son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST