Week 3: Team Sunrise [tS] vs Digital Xtreme [Dx]

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[Dx] maktim
Best channel ever but i heard you're kicking out opponents from there. So meet channel nwc3l.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Confirmed, meet channel clan tS.
[Dx] maktim
Okay thursday 16-18 cet
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Aha, check out all clanwars this season we made, we took 0 defwins, we want to play all games! We cant manage that game without any time, so please talk to rvs and confirm a time @ thursdays, he can choose.
[Dx] maktim
Well, if u sure we could try thursday but thats the problem, if something happen to rvs in thursday you wait 10 min and take techlose.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
What are you talking? You didnt help to orga. I wrote last time with rvs all the time and tried to manage. We were not able to make a deal and I didnt want to waste to much time of rvs. So we just said we will find another date. And for today the respons was to late. So just tell a time for thursday if the day is okay for rvs please.
Sunday 16-00 CEST for FP vs. rvs. Ask from Dx side.
[Dx] maktim
no response? It was sure they shiould play today and rvs answered you, But why you didnt say that was no response from edis last time when rvs waited him?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
So let's make a fix date and please confirm early enough! Edis can play on thursday any time. So just tell us the time @ thursday.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
We didnt say any time, I just asked for this sunday. After no respons, edis decided to play poker and it keeps going on.
[Dx] maktim
so again edis will not play?
[pG] rvs
i can play in 1 hour
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Later would be nice, edis is playing some poker tourneys.
[pG] rvs
17 cet is ok?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
So, whats up? Possible to play the game today?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Edis will have to work all time. Next "free day" would be sunday. rvs you can play then, too ?
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
meet you nwc3l channel
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Edis is online atm aswell. We could play right now, i can host.
[GCW3] rbr.GodFather
i can play today till 18.30 cet
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
When will rvs be able to play the postponed match ?
[Dx] maktim
join nwc3l
[Dx] maktim
Hello. Hope you know that every team can take a pp. But more than that I hope we will wait for the gera cup participants from both sides.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Hey guys, we are able to play all games @ sunday 17cet. We would like to start with NI. Hope you dont need to pp any game aswell. Cu then


Previous matches

tS [2:13] Dx 14.02.2016
LG [9:3] Dx 22.11.2015
tS [5:10] Dx 02.10.2015


Last comments

son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST