Week 4: Run Bi7ch Run [rbr] vs P r o - G a m i n g [pG]

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[pG] pG.Okkul
There is okay, they agree to play today and them players is here.
[pG] pG.Okkul
Clan rbr wanna to postpone one match 2v2. He can to do it, but not later than 1 hour after the start of the match (Paragraph 3.5 of Reglament). Their clan-leader didnt say me about postpone in 1 hour and disagree to play 2v2 today. I require to tech win in 2v2 match for clan pG.
[pG] pG.Okkul
what channel?



Last comments

son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST