Week 5: Team ViKiNGS [ViKi] vs P r o - G a m i n g [pG]

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[pG] pG.Okkul
[RN] ena1337
pG *
[RN] ena1337
Clanwar over, ggs wp

ViKi 8 - 7 PC
[OwNu] OA
nvm , orcworker showd up , Dont need to PP. Nice to actually play a full clanwar in 1 day :)
[OwNu] OA
Ok we will play PP Death Road till monday at 5:30pm cet
[OwNu] OA
Ok we will play PP match on monday at 5:30pm cet
[pG] pG.Okkul
Okay, i think its good.
[RN] ena1337
We postpone Death Road instead of Fertile Creek. Same time. Is Monday 5.30 pm CET OK?

All other maps (FC, ni, SV, btn) today at channel clan viki 5pm cet OK?
[pG] pG.Okkul
Hey ena1337, okay you can postpone only 1 match (P. 3.5 of Reglament).
Okay lets meet in your channel in 5 pm CET. Please, dont late to other matches (P. 4.14 of Reglament).
[RN] ena1337
Hey clan pG, let's have a good & fair clanwar!

NI +
DR +
SV +

I told all my players to be in Channel Clan ViKi today @ 5 pm CET. I expect at least some of them to be there on time. If not, we will ask for postponals. We hope, that is fine for you.


We need to pre-pone this map today before Gera Cup, if possible. Otherwise we need to postpone. (for example Monday 16th January, 5.30 PM CET)


Previous matches

ViKi [12:3] pG 24.07.2016

Last comments

son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST