National Warcraft League
UPDATE 3: Rules for your attention.
UPDATE 2: Some details about competition:
1 Group --> Top 3 going Play-off --> Top 1 in final, Top 2 vs. Top 3 - semifinal.
Season start planned at 17.11.2018 - 17:00 CET.
Planned default time for matches: Saturday 17:00 CET.
Match system: 3 x 1on1 (BO2) + 1 x 2on2 (BO2) + ACE match 1o1 (BO3) if necessary.
Map pools:
Loser pick - winner veto 1 map from the map pool.
UPDATE 1: Prize Pool now $300!
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! After a big overhaul of the website we are finally ready to announce our latest project, the National Warcraft League 2018! Wait, what? Yes you didn't misread, we will have an international team competition for Warcraft 3 on patch 1.30 in 2018. Competitions between teams from several countries were always a big part of Warcraft 3 during it's prime in the middle of 2000. Of course after the last ENC in 2010 things went a bit downhill, but the enthusiasm and passion for such competitions was never gone. We all remember the last tournament if this kind evry well, the WNC in 2016. Our main goal is to have a well organized tournament and nothing more! With your help and a strict schedule and clear rules to avoid infinite postpones and teams dropping out mid-season we hope to satisfy the needs of each and everyone of you.
What we offer for the first season:
- a small number of teams with experienced team managers and reliable players
- a fixed time schedule for matches to make broadcasting worthwhile
- format of the matches will be: 3 x 1on1 (BO2) + 1 x 2on2 (BO2) + ACE match 1o1 (BO3) if necessary
- no qualifier for first season
We all know that the best motivation besides honour and pride would be a prize pool. Thus we are still looking for sponsors and donations. We added a donation button for this exact purpose on the bottom right of our page. Besides that, our man DopeY (DopeY#4688) is available on discord for further information and requests regarding this topic.
Now some information about the organization: as you can see we created a new page for national teams where you can already find an overview of our most expected participants. This is just a template and will be changed once countries will apply and announce there actual roster of players.
For the managers of the national teams: if you want to be a manager of a team and are well known and respected in the community, we will just add you as a manager to your respected country. From there on you can manage your country just like you are used to from managing clans in NWC3L. Just message Nick (Nick#0638) on discord for further information and guidance. Manager position are are not restricted by citizenship, meaning that if you are for example from Iceland you could still be the manager of team Brazil, but you cannot play for another country but the one you are managing! To make things more simple you can also play for your country if you are already the manager, you don't need to add yourself to the roster of players. Before we announce the exact starting date we still have a lot of work to do, so please be patient. We await your applications and appreciate your participation. Stay tuned for more information to come.
Sincerely, your NWC3L staff
Countries accepted:
#62 | |
rbr.Shorty | |
#61 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#60 | |
[pG] pG.Okkul | |
#59 | |
[InFs] InFs_Zero_[M] | |
#58 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#57 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#56 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#55 | |
[KoA] W3L.Psike | |
#54 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#53 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#52 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#51 | |
[OCG] Drunkenwanken | |
#50 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#49 | |
[RN] ag3nt | |
#48 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#47 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#46 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#45 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#44 | |
rbr.Shorty | |
#43 | |
admin | |
#42 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#41 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#40 | |
[uMaD] DopeY | |
#39 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#38 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#37 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#36 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#35 | |
admin | |
#34 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#33 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#32 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#31 | |
admin | |
#30 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#29 | |
rbr.Shorty | |
#28 | |
[RBTV] kevinschwehm | |
#27 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#26 | |
[KoA] W3L.Psike | |
#25 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#24 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#23 | |
[RPV] SaTan | |
#22 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#21 | |
DMC | |
#20 | |
FpXy | |
#19 | |
[OCG] Drunkenwanken | |
#18 | |
[uMaD] DopeY | |
#17 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#16 | |
admin | |
#15 | |
[SWE] Skutt | |
#14 | |
DMC | |
#13 | |
[RN] ag3nt | |
#12 | |
[KoA] W3L.Psike | |
#11 | |
FpXy | |
#10 | |
[RN] ag3nt | |
#9 | |
[KoA] W3L.Psike | |
#8 | |
[RN] ena1337 | |
#7 | |
[SWE] Skutt | |
#6 | |
FpXy | |
#5 | |
admin | |
#4 | |
[RN] ag3nt | |
#3 | |
[Fs] Jehu | |
#2 | |
admin | |
#1 | |
[KoAo] Nerzhul |
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