Week 3: Digital Xtreme [Dx] vs Legendary Gamerz [LG]

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[OCG] Drunkenwanken
iknowulikeme is online, he will play! message him, i am still ingame vs clan ls.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Okay, so lets go now /w me in w3a.
[Dx] maktim
ok let's reseed
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
So, whats up here? Still no solution, make reseed we can play later after regular clanwar or i will take def.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Would be a fair solution @ agent, but let's see.
[RN] ag3nt
Maybe admin will make exception for Biko vs Boka match and allow them to play on next week (after "deadline")?
[Dx] maktim
Yes bro but we talking about biko and he was there
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Ehm, don't tell wrong story.

- We allowed reseed 2n2 cuz nick wasnt there and sheik was playing gera
- We agreed pp SV cuz nick wasnt there
- We agreed pp DI cuz sheik was playing gera and it was getting to late
- You didnt make LU in time

All was just fine and we did fair agreements imo, but with the deadline of sunday to play last games we have to find solution. As you can see in comments we tried to find one and you just didnt react. So what? Now we shall be fucked cuz you are not able to react in time? That's should not be our fault.

[Dx] maktim
** it was your postpone **
Cool story. We postponed sheik's and nick's games while biko was there played 2v2 and could have played RB or SV but ur players were in hurry or didnt want.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Hello maktim,
we waited since 07.05.17 and boka is on holidays now, so he can not play anymore. That's why I said "till wednesday". We will not reseed since it was your postpone and boka already tried to find a date ( see comments ). It was your choice not to react or find solution ( reseed biko whatever ). We want to take defwin here since deadline is sunday and nearly 2 weeks are gone.

PS: All members of LG send best wishes for biko!
[Dx] maktim
Dear legendary gamerz. As far as i know Araarabrams has serious health problems. Since I am not his doctor I can't force him to risk the future of his children and go to the battlefield to fight against Mr. Boka. Now we just have to wait for news from him and hope for the best.

Regarding the last option on wednesday:
- He plays right now and can till the evening ( https://goodgame.ru/channel/AraAraBRamSSSS/ );
- I'm afraid to upset you, but wednesday is not the last day of the week.
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Since new info came out "play weeks from 1 to 4 deadline is end of this week" we need to find a solution here. If biko is still ill please reseed.
Boka can play tomorrow nearly whole day, last option wednesday 20cet.
[Fs] Boka
biko today 14 cet ? ?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Dates for biko - boka please.
[uMaD] Nick
Looks good, lets go!)
[Fs] Poe
how about tomorrow around 8?
[LG] sTaZero
okay 18 CET
[uMaD] sheik
today 18 cet go
[uMaD] Nick
Hey Poe any dates and times ?
[LG] sTaZero
Hey Sheik,

possible Dates tuesday - Thursday 18 CET - 20 CET or Sunday 12-17 CET
[Fs] Boka
possible dates:
today between 16 and 18 CET
tomorrow same
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
rb ara 0:0 boka pp
rr rvs 2:0 lolas
di sheik 0:0 stazero pp
sv nick 0:0 poe pp
rv biko/rvs 1:2 boka/poe
[Dx] maktim
rb ara
rr rvs
di sheik
sv nick
rv sheik nick
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Lineups where?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
We have to postpone RB. Dates will follow.
Please let us start with the 2n2 if possible.


Previous matches

Dx [7:8] LG 05.02.2017
Dx [8:7] tS 31.07.2016
Dx [7:8] tS 24.04.2016
Dx [13:2] tS 14.02.2016
Dx [3:9] LG 22.11.2015
Dx [10:5] tS 02.10.2015

Last comments

son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST