Week 1: Legendary Gamerz [LG] vs uMaD2 Gaming [MaD2]

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[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Ye, np.
[uMaD] DopeY
bsk-/growlithe. confirmed thursday 18h cet meet clan LG (if you allow replacement)
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Thursday 18cet is working.
[uMaD] DopeY
Wednesday/thursday arround 18h cet
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Give some dates/time for the 2n2 please.
[uMaD] DopeY
hi, I'm not sure that will work for us
We will have to check this last match for next week btw 11-17 sept I guess :/
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Hello umad2,

its possible to play the 2n2 sunday 16cet?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
We postpone 2n2, dates follow
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
We are waiting in clan umad
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
TS: Drizzt-D0-Urden 2:0 bsk
[uMaD] DopeY
confirmed, 15h meet clan LG
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
TS can be played 15cet
[PwRD] Manager
prepone a solo any map on saturday btw 15-19h?
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
hi umad, seems like my players are not able to prepone the 2n2, sorry.
[LG] iknowulikeme
Startmap AZ preponed
iknowulikeme vs zarg: 2-1
[PwRD] Manager
Wanna prepone 2v2 on saturday btw 15-19h cet? Because one player from our side is not able to play sunday
[uMaD] DopeY
he will be there after 20h cet (he should be rdy for 21h cet in clan LG I guess)
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
Great our player will be online then.
[uMaD] DopeY
hi, a player confirmed thursday btw 18h-23cet
[OCG] Drunkenwanken
hey guys, its possible to prepone AZ for you?

Dates could be:

- Thursday 18-23cet
- Friday 12-18cet
- Saturday 8-13cet


Previous matches

LG [10:5] MaD2 15.01.2017


Last comments

son_bez_sna match 31.10 - 19:44 CET
W3L.Psike match 12.10 - 03:51 CEST
Nerzhul match 25.09 - 23:25 CEST
admin match 16.09 - 17:49 CEST
Raven_TT match 11.09 - 20:21 CEST